
Extensions are small add-ons that add new functionality to Basilisk, from a simple toolbar button to a completely new feature. They allow you to customize the browser to fit your own needs and preferences, while letting us keep the core itself light and lean.

1 Key Web Search
Web Search Accelerator
About Add-ons [External]
Adds an About button to extensions, themes, and languages in the Add-ons list.
About:config button
Provides a toolbar button for easy access to the advanced configuration editor.
Active Tab More Visible
Makes active tab more visible, with a fixed color (#F4F4F4) compatible with most complete themes and lightweight themes.
Active Toolbars More Visible
Makes content of navigation toolbar and tab bar more visible, by providing a background for toolbar icons.
Add-ons Inspector
Adds more items to the Add-ons context menu.
Addons Memory Usage - Intika MoD
Adds an about:addons-memory page that details add-on memory usage
Address Bar & Search Bar More Readable
Makes the URL and Search bars more readable, by increasing font size and/or disabling URL formatting.
A clean, easy to use and highly extensible Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client.
Ambassador in Window Menu
Adds a Window Menu item for Ambassador
Auto Text Link
Allows URIs written as text to be opened as links, simply by double clicking.
Auto-Sort Bookmarks
Sort bookmarks by multiple criteria
Autoplay Whitelist
Allow only whitelisted domains to autoplay media.
Ayn Ayn
ע\ع is a multi-purpose text research tool with advanced support of Semitic languages. Select a text in your browser window and/or use "aynayn" context menu item to process.
BabbleOn [External]
Automatically translate pages using Google Translate.
Back to Top
Go to the top (or bottom, right, left) of a page.
Bamboo Feed Reader
Feed reader | RSS - ATOM - OPML
BIZARRE [External]
Adds zoom functionality for images.
Block Content
Block Content Download and Manage Permissions (Image, Script, Style, ...)
Creates a formatted page from bookmarks.
Timer/Clock/Alarm add-on for XUL applications.
Attempts to remove modals (in webpage window pop ups) and it's blur's/veils for all webpages
Status bar toggle for the browser cache
Calendar with events support.
CanvasBlocker Legacy
Changes the JS-API for modifying <canvas> to prevent Canvas and other Fingerprinting.
Chrome Navigator
Lets you take a peek at the files under the hood of your application and add-ons.
Display the current SSL/TLS cipher and certificate chain
Citation generating tool for the English Wikipedia.
Classic Add-ons Archive [External]
Catalog of classic Firefox add-ons created before WebExtensions apocalypse
Classic Password Editor
Adds the ability to create and edit entries in the password manager.
Classic Reload-Stop-Go Button
CRSG-extension for default Firefox theme styles the Reload-Stop-Go-button on urlbar like it was on Firefox 4-8.
Classic Toolbar Buttons (Palemoon)
Classic toolbar button style for Firefox, Thunderbird and Seamonkey toolbars and other tweaks and settings.
Create multi-addon install package (Cleopack)
Clickity Touch 'n Push
A counter, CPS test, and a limited typing test, all in one add-on
An extension that displays the rgb and hex color codes of pixels in a separate browser window, as well as optionally copy those codes to the clipboard.
Color your tabs.
Config Comments
Reveals comments (from source) for advanced application preferences in about:config; for Pale Moon only. Experimental alpha software. Please do not take this add-on as license to…
Context Search X
Enhances the context menu with a list of search engines and specified engines placed outside the submenu. Includes an item to search for selected text on the current site. Mouse…
Cookie Masters
Comprehensive Cookie Management
Cookie Permissions Button
View and change cookie permissions for websites from toolbar button.
CookiePage [External]
View cookies of the current web page.
Cookies Control Panel
Manage cookie permissions from a toolbar button.
Copy As Plain Text
Copies text without any formatting.
Copy Hyperlink Text
Copy a hyperlink and / or its associated text in multiple formats.
CPU & Memory Usage Statusbar
View Pale Moon memory usage and CPU usage in the statusbar.
Adds icons to menus and buttons.
Local emulation of Content Delivery Networks.
DOM Inspector
DOM Inspector is a tool that can be used to inspect and edit the live DOM of any web document or XUL application.
Dorando keyconfig
Rebind your keys.
Double-click Tweaks
Double-click actions for links and tabs.
Download Manager Customizations
Allows the download manager to also open in a tab or sidebar, and adds some optional display changes.
Downloads Window
Separate downloads window
Dual Pane Bookmarks Organizer
dual pane bookmark manager
Make a webpage editable.
Modify a page's title
Enhanced SteamGifts & SteamTrades (ESGST)
A script that adds some cool features to SteamGifts and SteamTrades.
Reverse text in input boxes
Exif Viewer
Extracts and displays the Exif (Exchangeable Image File), IPTC-NAA/IIM (International Press Telecommunications Council / Newspaper Association of America / Information Interchange…
Extended Statusbar
A Statusbar with speed, percentage, time and loaded size (similar to Opera's one)
Extension Conflict Troubleshooter
Systematically enable/disable addons to find extension conflicts
ExtExp [External]
Places an Export Button on each extension and theme in your Add-ons Manager.
Renders a text version of a web page similar to screen reader output.
Favidico [External]
Use identicons to automatically generate favicons for sites without one.
Backup your browser data
Find dialog
Replaces the find toolbar with the old Mozilla-/Netscape-style find dialog. Forked from the 'Retro Find' extension for Firefox 3.
FTP client for Mozilla Firefox.
FireFTP button replacement
A replacement Toolbar button for FireFTP.
Adds the ability to take a screenshot of the page, edit it and save, copy to clipboard, send to external editor or e-mail it.
SSH Client for Mozilla Firefox.
Provides Focus Last selected tab and tab Flipping (Focus Last/Flip Tab) functionality.
Save drafts of form input.
FoxClocks shows times around the world - or just your local time - at the bottom of your browser. It deals with daylight saving time so you don't have to.
FoxyProxy Basic
Premier proxy management for Firefox
FoxyProxy Standard
Premier proxy management for Firefox
GaiaFormat [External]
An enhanced text formatter for GaiaOnline Forums, Private Messages, Guilds, and Profile comments.
Get all the files! A powerful download manager.
Glass your Firefox ui (only possible on Windows 7 and Vista with enabled AeroGlass Windows theme settings)
Replaces built-in notifications with the OS native notifications. It works on Linux and Windows 10.
Go Menu
Restores the Go menu.
Grabit [External]
Grabit is a free add-on for Pale Moon, meant to handle single and massive ("all" and "selection") downloads with several external Download Managers.
Greasemonkey for Pale Moon [External]
Greasemonkey is a user script manager for Pale Moon.
gSearch Bar
A light-weight Google search toolbar.
Hide scrollbars
HTerr [External]
Display fallback error pages for HTTP errors if no content is sent.
HTTPS Always
Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.
HTTPS Enforcer
Block unencrypted web traffic.
HTTPS Inquirer
Automatically detect and alert when SSL is available on a web page. Automated rule creation for HTTPS Always
I don't care about cookies
Get rid of annoying cookie warnings from almost all websites
Image Search Options
Customizable Image Search right click context options~
Inactive Tabs More Visible
Changes the backgrounds of inactive tabs, for many complete and light themes, to black with white text. Use when inactive tabs are hard to read, or to distinguish from the active…
infoRSS Reloaded
Display NNTP, HTML, RSS and Atom headlines in the status bar
Integrated Authentication for SeaMonkey and Pale Moon
An extension that helps with enabling and managing NTLM (Windows pass-through) and other SPNEGO (integrated authentication) settings.
Shows whether the application is running with Administrator privileges.
Hide windows and use the notification icon to get them back!
Link Alert
Changes the cursor to indicate the target of a link.
List This!
A sidebar extension that lets people take quick notes and get back to those notes quickly.
LiveClick Lunar [External]
Adds feed reading and notifications to Live Bookmarks.
A Magnet and Torrent Downloader for UXP. Runs everywhere. Created in pure JavaScript without binary software!
Master Password+
Various enhancements for built-in "Master Password" feature
Menu On Top
Moves the main menu bar to the Top and adds Style.
Ultracompact Mouse Gesture Extension.
microGesture Tab Edition
Ultracompact Mouse Gesture Extension.
Make your add-on manager all minimalistic and compact.
Executes various commands with mouse gestures.
Save exactly what you see, in a single file. MAFF (based on ZIP) is compact and exceptional for video and audio. MHT (Internet Explorer's format) allows easy exchange with IE users.…
MTube [External]
Load the mobile version whenever visiting YouTube.
Navigation Bar Enhancer
Implements a feature-rich Breadcrumb User Interface in the Navigation Bar.
New Tab Links
Automatically open links in new tabs using a long-left click or a right click.
NewScrollbars (aka NoiaScrollbars)
Improves scrollbar appearance using various customizations and tweaks.
NoiaButtons extension for default Firefox theme.
A quick and easy multi-tab note taking solution.
Number Tabs
Numbers your tabs
Old Design VK
An extension which brings back old design for VK
Old search
Return Old search method
Open link menu
Adds more tab/window opening options to the context menu for links and images.
Open Registry Key [External]
Open selected registry in the registry editor from context menu.
Open With Edge, IE, Chrome, and More
View links, pages, and bookmarks in Edge, IE, Chrome, and other browsers. To open external browsers in incognito/private browsing mode (IE, Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi, and a few…
Extends the "Save" dialog by a button to open the file directly.
Import/Export extension preferences
Advanced Import/Export extension preferences
Palefill [External]
Inject Polyfills for various web technologies into pages requiring them.
Password Manager Menu
Allows user to clear HTTP Basic Authentification, clear master password data and open the password manager.
Paste Email (original)
Paste email addresses and more.
Paste Email Plus
Paste email addresses and more into any textbox.
The ultimate Vi-style browsing extension
Periodic Table of XUL Elements
A collection of XUL demos.
Enhances the permissions manager with additional site specific permissions.
Polish Cookie Consent
Automatically accepts cookie policy/GDPR on websites.
Print Preview Button and Keyboard Shortcut 2
Adds a "Print Preview" button to the customize toolbar. Binds the Ctrl+Alt-Shift+P keyboard shortcut to Print Preview (on some keyboards).
Pure URL
Strips garbage referer tracking fields like 'utm_source' from links, and resolves short links.
Quickdial Tool & Speed Dial
Speed Dial. Change persona/light theme (no restart). Change Quickdial columns, rows, background image or color, and more.
Quickly login and get Passwords into the clipboard. Never display them anymore!
a toolbar for settings and commands
Reload and Skip Cache
Expands the visibility of "Hard Refresh" in many areas of the browser.
ReloadRepeat [External]
Reloads webpages every so many seconds or minutes.
Restart Browser
Adds a toolbar button, menus, and shortcut key (Ctrl+Alt+R) for restarting the browser.
Restart manager
Adds to Pale Moon the ability for easy restart on demand. Also, in versions 20+, manages all normal restart requests, allowing the user to choose what to do, according to offered options.
Add a Site-Specific User Agent Override string.
ScrapBook X
Helps you save web pages and organize the collection.
Block JavaScript on listed sites.
Scroll To Top
Scroll to top and vice versa in a window.
Scrollbar Search Marker
Marks the position of your search terms in the scrollbar(s).
Search Buttons Bar
A search engine toolbar with one-click search.
Searchbar like Findbar
Searchbar like findbar, click option for more information
Select Links Like A Leader
Select link's text just like a regular text (like in Opera'12 browser) ;)
Session Manager
Saves and restores the state of all windows.
Show My Password
Shows your password in readable letters
Sidebar Feed Reader
Displays the items from your Live Bookmarks in the sidebar.
Sidebar to the Right
Move Sidebar to Right
window.crypto.signText replacement
RSS Reader, Reading List, Quick Search and Tab organizer.
Simple Marker
Adds a set of Simple Marker pens to the context menu, to underline or highlight selected text.
Simple Screenshot
Save a web page as image.
Extension that allows you to inject CSS Styles into web pages.
Adds a splash screen on startup while you wait.
SQLite Admin
Manage any SQLite database on your computer
Status-4-Evar Revived
Status widgets and progress indicators for Waterfox Classic and Basilisk
Statusbar Date & Time
Display date and time in the statusbar.
Statusbar Organizer
Hide, show, or change the order of statusbar add-ons, icons and text.
Restyle the web with Stylem, a user styles manager.
Custom additions to Stylish extension.
View web pages using WebView inside another browser
Unload tabs to free up resources
Performs controlled cleanup of places database entries.
Modifies web pages to use a dark color scheme or based on the user's preferences.
Tab Groups Manager reloaded
Manage tabs by dividing them into groups
Tab Mix Plus
Tab browsing with an added boost.
Tab Utilities Phoenix
Open Bookmarks/History/URL/Search in new tabs, and more utilities for tabbed browsing. Replaces the original Tab Utilities by ithinc and focuses on PaleMoon support. Merged in…
Tabs To Portfolio
Save selected tabs as thumbnails in an HTML file for sharing, storage or portability.
The Good 'ol Sidebar
Sidebar control with award-winning user experience!
Theme Builder
Create custom solid-color personas/lightweight themes.
Theme Styler Plus
Customize complete and lightweight themes (tab colors, toolbar texts, window backgrounds, and more). Add, change, close, or create new lightweight themes (no restart required).
Theme Tweaker
Instantly changes the font family, font size, font color, font style and background color of main interface for Pale Moon and other Mozilla-like applications.
Use persona/lightweight themes with most Pale Moon complete themes (restarting browser never required).
Thin Bookmarks
Ability to customize the bookmarks bar.
Thin Tabs
Ability to customize the bookmarks bar.
TimerFox [External]
Easily counts down from a predefined number and alarms you when the count has reached zero.
Toggle Autoplay [Enabled/Disabled]
Use toolbar toggle button to enable/disable media autoplay. [Enabled = green icon. Disabled = red icon.]
Toggle Bookmarks
Hide or show the bookmarks toolbar, using toolbar button. Automatically show the bookmarks toolbar for the new tab page and your home pages. And, hide the bookmarks toolbar for all…
Toggle JavaScript [Enabled/Disabled]
Use toolbar toggle button to enable javascript (Enabled = green icon) or to disable javascript (Disabled = red icon).
Adds a toolbar button and keyboard shortcut to switch between the default page colors and colors defined by the user. Firefox and Palemoon shortcut: Control-Shift-C; SeaMonkey…
Toolbox Plus
Provides more customization options for toolbars.
Track Package [External]
Track Packages from the right-click menu.
uBlock Origin (Legacy) [External]
An efficient blocker add-on for various browsers. Fast, potent, and lean.
Update Alert
Monitors webpages for updates, generates alerts, and highlights new content.
URL Clipper
Navigate ro related pages.
URL Quoter
Quotes selected text with source URL (and/or other page data).
URL Rewriter
Redirect requests according to user-specified rules.
User Agent Status
Tinker with the useragent on the status bar
uTube [External]
Show an embedded video on a simple blank page when visiting a YouTube video link.
Vimperator adds an efficient, Vim-inspired user interface on top of Firefox
Web Developer's Toolbox
Adds a menu and a toolbar with 59 tools to aid website developers and inform the curious.
WebComponents Toggle
Easily switch WebComponents on and off
Website Navigation Bar
Restores the Website Navigation Bar from SeaMonkey for UXP
Window Menu
Restores the Window menu.
Yet Another about:config Helper
Provides a toolbar button for easy access and searching to the advanced configuration editor.
Youtube Skip Sign-in
If you don't want to see pop-ups asking to sign-in on Youtube, this tiny app is for you.
Kiss the annoying "Video paused. Continue watching?" and "Get the best YouTube experience sign in nag screen" confirmation goodbye!
Zap Anything
Allows almost anything to be hidden via the context menu.
Zombie Keys
Bring dead keys to life: accented letters made easy!
Point & click to forbid/allow any class of requests made by your browser. Use it to block scripts, iframes, ads, facebook, etc.